Wednesday, August 17, 2011

load01 08/17/2011

  • IDG News Service - Google's planned acquisition of Motorola Mobility will force the search giant into a whole new set of relationships with mobile operators, which could benefit the carriers but also create tension.

    The dramatic success of Google's Android OS has further eroded the power of carriers, which had already seen their influence over phone software diminished by Apple's iPhone. Google has seized mobile advertising revenue and, along with Apple, mastered the sale of mobile applications where carriers have often struggled.

    tags: technology


    For migraine sufferers, summer can be a perilous time of year.

    Oppressive heat and spikes in temperature have long been thought to precipitate attacks in people prone to chronic headaches. One large study in the journal Neurology even showed that the risk of migraines jumps nearly 8 percent for every nine-degree rise in temperature.

    But a simple step that may lower the risk, especially in warm weather, is to stay properly hydrated. Dehydration causes blood volume to drop, researchers say, resulting in less blood and oxygen flow to the brain and dilated blood vessels. Some experts suspect that a loss of electrolytes causes nerves in the brain to produce pain signals.

    tags: wellness

  • Considering the fact that Windows 95 hadn’t even been released when federal agents finally caught up with the computer hacker Kevin Mitnick, one might assume his new memoir would be full of stale old tech-and-­techniques that no one in 2011 could possibly care about. But as Mitnick makes clear here, don’t jump to conclusions.

    tags: culture

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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