Saturday, February 18, 2012

load01 02/18/2012

  • If you’re a developer and you’re about to ask another developer a technical question (on a forum, via email, on a chat channel, or in person), you’d better be ready to answer the question “What have you tried?”

    This of course isn’t specific to software developers, but that’s my field and it’s thus the area in which I’m most familiar with the issue which motivated me to write this. I’m (sadly) quite sure that it applies to your own industry too, whatever that might be.

    tags: programming

  • In the 1990s I followed the Usenet group comp.lang.forth. Forth has great personal appeal. It's minimalist to the point of being subversive, and Forth literature once crackled with rightness.

    Slowly, not in a grand epiphany, I realized that there was something missing from the discussions in that group. There was talk of tiny Forths, of redesigning control structures, of ways of getting by with fewer features, and of course endless philosophical debates, but no one was actually doing anything with the language, at least nothing that was in line with all the excitement about the language itself. There were no revolutions waiting to happen.

    tags: technology

  • Every time you go shopping, you share intimate details about your consumption patterns with retailers. And many of those retailers are studying those details to figure out what you like, what you need, and which coupons are most likely to make you happy. Target, for example, has figured out how to data-mine its way into your womb, to figure out whether you have a baby on the way long before you need to start buying diapers.

    tags: technology

  • The Pirate Bay is not happy with a recent article published by the RIAA, where the torrent site is portrayed as the prime example of why tougher anti-piracy laws are necessary. In a rebuttal, The Pirate Bay argues that the RIAA is delusional, behaving like a spoiled kid that has lost touch with reality.

    tags: news

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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