Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Manual add

| Bittorrent To Replace Standard Downloads? |
| from the sharing-the-load dept. |
| posted by samzenpus on Sunday October 03, @22:32 (The Internet) |
| https://ask.slashdot.org/story/10/10/04/0035231/Bittorrent-To-Replace-Standard-Downloads |

[0]Max Sayre writes "Have you ever tried to download an operating system
update only to have it fail and have to start all over? What about
patches for your favorite games? World of Warcraft already uses
Bittorrent technology as a way to distribute large amounts of content at
a lower cost to the company and faster speeds to all of their clients. So
why haven't they replaced the standard downloading options built into any
major OS? Companies like Opera are including the downloading of torrents
in their products already and extensions have been written for Firefox to
download torrents in-browser. Every day Bittorrent traffic is growing.
Sites like OpenBittorrent already exist and DHT doesn't even require a
tracker. So why isn't everyone doing it? Is it finally time to see all
downloads replaced with Bittorrent?"

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