Tuesday, April 24, 2012

load01 04/24/2012

  • What if Darth Vader had been around for Luke Skywalker’s childhood — not as a distant threat, but as a loving and devoted father? That’s the concept behind “Darth Vader and Son,” a new book from comic artist and writer Jeffrey Brown. The book reimagines the Dark Lord of the Sith parenting an adorable 4-year-old, his days filled with potty breaks, Lego, bicycle riding and bedtime stories. Brown, the author of “Clumsy” and “Bighead,” chatted with Hero Complex about the book, “Star Wars” and fatherhood.

    tags: comics

  • I pasted some richly formatted text into Sigil but it's only pasted as plain text?
    Don't paste rich text directly into Sigil. It doesn't work as well as it should, since Webkit takes over this functionality and it's hard to go around it.

    Instead, export (or convert) you text to HTML and then import that directly (. This will preserve all formatting.

    Why do some of my non-ASCII characters appear correctly in Sigil, but show up as question marks on my Reader or in Adobe Digital Editions?
    ADE doesn't perform font substitution. A mobile version of ADE's engine is also used on the Sony Readers and the vast majority of other portable reading devices that can display EPUB books. So unfortunately all of these devices inherit ADE's shortcomings.

    In Sigil, if the font you are using does not have the required glyphs to render a character present in the text, glyphs from a different font that can render it are used. This is called font substitution. So as long as some fonts on your computer can display these characters, so can Sigil.

    ADE on the other hand only displays a small subset of Unicode characters by default. The supported characters are listed in the Adobe PDF Reference v1.7, Appendix D, tables D.1 and D.3.

    If you want other characters than these to display in ADE, you will have to embed the required fonts. Sigil currently doesn't have official support for font embedding due to a bug in the Qt framework. This will hopefully be solved in time.

    tags: sigil

  • tags: programming

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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