My Faith-Based Retirement - NYTimes.com
My 60th birthday is less than a week and a half away, and if there is one thing I can say with certainty it’s that 60 is not the new 50.
The Google Drive FAQ | Internet & Media - CNET News
Got questions about Google's new cloud storage product, Google Drive? Here are some answers. Got more questions? Add them in the comments or e-mail the author; we'll add to the story as needed.
Monday, April 30, 2012
load01 04/30/2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
load01 04/29/2012
Special ASCII / HTML Character Symbols Codes
HTML codes to put ASCII special characters on your Web page
The following list includes the HTML codes for many of the ASCII symbols used on Web pages. The first section includes the first 255 character codes and their related HTML codes. Then, at the bottom you'll find some other symbols and the HTML codes to create them. Not all browsers support all the codes, so be sure to test your HTML codes before you use them.tags: technology
Rights defender thorn in China's side | Reuters
Blind Chinese rights defender Chen Guangcheng has never been one to give up without a fight.
tags: news
'Zerg Rush' easter egg eats your Google search results - NDTVGadgets.com
Bored with Google doodles, then you should look at the latest easter egg from the search giant. Just type 'Zerg Rush' in Google search box and watch the 'O's eat up all your 'Zerg Rush' search results.
tags: technology
Saturday, April 28, 2012
load01 04/28/2012
The Creative Personality: Ten paradoxical traits of the
Of all human activities, creativity comes closest to providing the fulfillment we all hope to get in our lives. Call it full-blast living.
Creativity is a central source of meaning in our lives. Most of the things that are interesting, important, and human are the result of creativity.
What makes us different from apes--our language, values, artistic expression, scientific understanding, and technology--is the result of individual ingenuity that was recognized, rewarded, and transmitted through learning.
When we're creative, we feel we are living more fully than during the rest of life. The excitement of the artist at the easel or the scientist in the lab comes dose to the ideal fulfillment we all hope to get from life, and so rarely do.tags: culture
tags: misc
Friday, April 27, 2012
load01 04/27/2012
Final Fantasy XIII-2 Review - GameSpot.com
Final Fantasy XIII-2 doesn't capture Lightning in a bottle, but it's still a fun and heartfelt role-playing adventure.
tags: games
Former Sun chiefs differ on Google's use of Oracle's Java code in Android - San Jose Mercury News
SAN FRANCISCO -- Two former heads of Sun Microsystems offered opposing views of their company's policies on the Java software programming system Thursday, as attorneys engaged in some of the most colorful cross-examination heard so far in the ongoing trial of Oracle's (ORCL) lawsuit against Google (GOOG) over the right to use Sun's software.
tags: news
Thursday, April 26, 2012
load01 04/26/2012
Ariz. Migrant Case Could Lead To Sweeping Changes : NPR
PHOENIX (AP) — The United States could see an official about-face in the coming months in how it confronts illegal immigration if the Supreme Court follows through on its suggestion that it would let local police enforce the most controversial part of Arizona's immigration law.
tags: news
I am (we are) the guys that made/published Magicka - indie PC game that has sold over 1.4 Million copies - AMA.
tags: games
Martin Doms : Splines and curves part I – Bézier Curves
In this series I want to give an introduction to curves and splines for the programmer. These are typically used in computer graphics, game design scenarios (especially camera motion) and engineering to generate smooth shapes from simple datasets.
tags: programming
WebAIM: Blog - History of the browser user-agent string
In the beginning there was NCSA Mosaic, and Mosaic called itself NCSA_Mosaic/2.0 (Windows 3.1), and Mosaic displayed pictures along with text, and there was much rejoicing.
tags: technology
Resources and Addons To Make BitTorrent Magnet Life Easier | TorrentFreak
tags: technology
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
load01 04/25/2012
The Chief Complaint: Dr. Otis Brawley - Features - Atlanta Magazine
In an excerpt from his forthcoming book, an Emory professor and former Grady cancer director pulls back the curtain on the medical machine
tags: wellness
The Complete Works: Ranking All 62 Stephen King Books -- Vulture
tags: news
"I wonder if Oracle followed that link, because if I were Oracle, it's the last thing I'd want the public or the jury to see." (groklaw.net)
submitted 1 day ago by kristovahertags: technology
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
load01 04/24/2012
What if Darth Vader had been around for Luke Skywalker’s childhood — not as a distant threat, but as a loving and devoted father? That’s the concept behind “Darth Vader and Son,” a new book from comic artist and writer Jeffrey Brown. The book reimagines the Dark Lord of the Sith parenting an adorable 4-year-old, his days filled with potty breaks, Lego, bicycle riding and bedtime stories. Brown, the author of “Clumsy” and “Bighead,” chatted with Hero Complex about the book, “Star Wars” and fatherhood.
tags: comics
I pasted some richly formatted text into Sigil but it's only pasted as plain text?
Don't paste rich text directly into Sigil. It doesn't work as well as it should, since Webkit takes over this functionality and it's hard to go around it.
Instead, export (or convert) you text to HTML and then import that directly (. This will preserve all formatting.
Why do some of my non-ASCII characters appear correctly in Sigil, but show up as question marks on my Reader or in Adobe Digital Editions?
ADE doesn't perform font substitution. A mobile version of ADE's engine is also used on the Sony Readers and the vast majority of other portable reading devices that can display EPUB books. So unfortunately all of these devices inherit ADE's shortcomings.
In Sigil, if the font you are using does not have the required glyphs to render a character present in the text, glyphs from a different font that can render it are used. This is called font substitution. So as long as some fonts on your computer can display these characters, so can Sigil.
ADE on the other hand only displays a small subset of Unicode characters by default. The supported characters are listed in the Adobe PDF Reference v1.7, Appendix D, tables D.1 and D.3.
If you want other characters than these to display in ADE, you will have to embed the required fonts. Sigil currently doesn't have official support for font embedding due to a bug in the Qt framework. This will hopefully be solved in time.tags: sigil
tags: programming
Monday, April 23, 2012
load01 04/23/2012
BitTorrent Magnet Links Explained - Softpedia
Anyone following the BitTorrent scene has been noticing some interesting developments lately and three new technologies in particular have stood out. A couple of them, DHT, PEX, are new ways of finding peers (users with copies of the file you want to download) without relying on the old BitTorrent tracker system. These are very important to the actual downloads but work mostly hidden from the user who may not even now when they kick in.
tags: technology
How to Create a Torrent: 7 steps - wikiHow
If you've ever wondered how to create a torrent, you've come to the right place. This article will explain how to create a torrent and use it to upload whatever you want to people all over the world!
tags: technology
Kopimism, Sweden's Pirate Religion, Begins to Plunder America - US News and World Report
'Kopimism' gives internet piracy a place to worship
tags: technology
Read This Before Naming Your Startup
I’ve learned a lot from the development of NameLayer, and I’m ready to divulge every trick in my arsenal. In this guide, I provide realistic solutions to the frustrations encountered when naming a company. Plus, I’ll have some fun analyzing both good and bad company names.
tags: technology
Cat in New Mexico Weighs In at Nearly 40 Pounds | Photos - ABC News
tags: humor
Sunday, April 22, 2012
load01 04/22/2012
John Cook: Why and How People Use R | Lang.NEXT 2012 | Channel 9
R is a strange, deeply flawed language that nevertheless has an enthusiastic and rapidly growing user base. What about R accounts for its popularity in its niche?
tags: programming
Infected Mac network may be expanding, not shrinking - Technolog on msnbc.com
The vast network of Apple Macintosh machines infected by the Flashback Trojan may be going dormant instead of shrinking, a Russian information-security firm said in a blog posting Friday.
tags: news
Saturday, April 21, 2012
load01 04/21/2012
Gloomy Negative Automatic Thoughts PWND | MetaFilter
"SPARX is an effective resource for adolescents with depressive symptoms. It is at least as good as treatment as usual, would be cheaper and easier to disseminate, and could be used to increase access to therapy. It could provide access to treatment for young people who may be reluctant to have more conventional therapy."
tags: wellness
'War on women' rhetoric turns nuclear power spat radioactive - CSMonitor.com
The head of the US nuclear power watchdog on Friday refuted allegations that he bullies women colleagues in a controversy that involves several political subplots.
tags: news
Valve: How I Got Here, What It’s Like, and What I’m Doing | Valve
It all started with Snow Crash.
If I hadn’t read it and fallen in love with the idea of the Metaverse, if it hadn’t made me realize how close networked 3D was to being a reality, if I hadn’t thought I can do that, and more importantly I want to do that, I’d never have embarked on the path that eventually wound up at Valve.tags: technology
APIs take center stage at Oracle-Google trial | Mobile - CNET News
The scene of the Oracle-Google trial Thursday was more like a computer science classroom than a courtroom as the witnesses explained the inner workings of Java and APIs.
tags: news
Let's Be Blunt: It's Time to End the Drug War - Forbes
April 20 is the counter-culture “holiday” on which lots and lots of people come together to advocate marijuana legalization (or just get high). Should drugs—especially marijuana—be legal? The answer is “yes.” Immediately. Without hesitation. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200 seized in a civil asset forfeiture. The war on drugs has been a dismal failure. It’s high time to end prohibition. Even if you aren’t willing to go whole-hog and legalize all drugs, at the very least we should legalize marijuana.
tags: culture
Friday, April 20, 2012
load01 04/20/2012
Thou shalt not commit logical fallacies | poster
print one out for yourself!
tags: culture
The curious case of the DES algorithm - good coders code, great reuse
I was implementing password authentication for VNC in node.js the other day and faced a problem where it would just never successfully authenticate. I checked my implementation several times and it seemed fine. Then I tried to implement it in Python just to see if I was missing something obvious. It also didn't work. Then I tried doing the authentication through openssl and it was also giving a result I didn't expect. Finally I found some old C code and wrote node-des, which worked. I still haven't figured out why it didn't work in node, python and openssl. Perhaps my readers can help me understand what was going on!
tags: programming
tags: technology
The fall of 2011 I suddenly had a lot of work to do. Being self employed in a newly started company, that’s usually a great thing. This time it was a little bit too much. As the sole developer, I had to finish a new project under a strict deadline, alongside with another long overdue project with the customer growing impatient.
tags: technology
Facebook, Google Must Adapt as Users Embrace 'Unsocial' Networks - Businessweek
tags: news
Food Deserts and Obesity Role Challenged - NYTimes.com
It has become an article of faith among some policy makers and advocates, including Michelle Obama, that poor urban neighborhoods are food deserts, bereft of fresh fruits and vegetables.
tags: wellness
My parents are hoarders - Imgur
tags: humor
Pakistanis revolt over Great Firewall plans • The Register
Pakistanis revolt over Great Firewall plans
tags: news
Oracle v Google could clear way for copyright on languages, APIs • The Register
Oracle v Google could clear way for copyright on languages, APIs
And here's why that would be a VERY BAD THINGtags: technology
Pure CSS3 Classic Train | Demo Studio | Mozilla Developer Network
tags: technology
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
load01 04/18/2012
A High Frequency Trader's Apology, Pt 1
I’m a former high frequency trader. And following the tradition of G.H. Hardy, I feel the need to make an apology for my former profession. Not an apology in the sense of a request for forgiveness of wrongs performed, but merely an intellectual justification of a field which is often misunderstood.
In this blog post, I’ll attempt to explain the basics of how high frequency trading works and why traders attempt to improve their latency. In future blog posts, I’ll attempt to justify the social value of HFT (under some circumstances), and describe other circumstances under which it is not very useful. Eventually I’ll even put forward a policy prescription which I believe could cause HFT to focus primarily on socially valuable activities.
Also, after you are done reading, go read the HN Comments. Many of them are excellent. In particular, some clarification and correction is made to what I’ve posted - e.g., Midpoint Passive Liquidity orders are discussed, which is a partial exception to my talk of the subpenny rule.tags: news
A case that could turn software industry on its head
A case that could turn software industry on its head
tags: news
15 MIT Research Projects That Will Make You Say 'Whoa' CIO.com
Ghosts of the Past
Despite having a name fit for a horror flick, Ghosts of the Past is likely to be used more often for reliving the good old days. Rather than trying to verbally describe a situation, event, or even a person whose name you might not recall, Ghosts of the Past projects video from a previous event against a backdrop image of the very setting in which it occurred. Through this website, those backdrops (called “canopies”) and video clips (or “panoramas”) can be paired for viewing on an iPad. QR codes add another layer, allowing the user to print and paste a copy in that very same location, so others can experience your birthday party even if they weren’t invited.tags: technology
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
load01 04/17/2012
Coding Horror: Learn to Read the Source, Luke
The source code never lies. For an experienced developer, reading the source can often be faster… especially if you're already familiar with the package's architecture. I'm in a medium-sized co-working space with several startups. A lot of the other CTOs and engineers come to our team for guidance and advice on occasion. When people report a problem with their stack, the first question I ask them is: "Well, did you read the source code?"
tags: programming
Google Drive leaked: 5GB cloud space for free - SlashGear
There’s a new service popping up this week from Google, a cloud service by the name of Google Drive. We’ve heard of this service before, it being akin to Dropbox in its ability to be a cloud server for your files, and now we’ve got word from The Next Web that the service will be launching this Tuesday (a week and a day from now). This service will be 5GB of free space and will be available for access on Mac, Windows, Android, and iOS right out of the box.
tags: news
Learning How to Program | SIGPWNED
Eventually, every programmer blogs about how to become a better programmer. It seems to be the price of admission to the industry. Programmers are a vain lot, and every one of us likes to think he has a unique viewpoint to contribute with insightful advice and meaningful guidance. The reality is that the “learn how to program” post is cliché. There are so many that each new one is nothing more than an echo of some old, vaguely-remembered, proto-learn-how-to-program-post. No one should write another. There’s no point.
tags: programming
Monday, April 16, 2012
load01 04/16/2012
Web freedom faces greatest threat ever, warns Google's Sergey Brin | Technology | The Guardian
Exclusive: Threats range from governments trying to control citizens to the rise of Facebook and Apple-style 'walled gardens'
tags: news
Soldier Crabs Used to Create Computing (Sort-Of) | News & Opinion | PCMag.com
No, the next computer you purchase isn't going to be powered by crabs. Nor will any physical computer on this Earth likely construct its logic from a series of slow-moving crustaceans.
tags: technology
Sunday, April 15, 2012
load01 04/15/2012
Oracle thinks you can copyright a programming language, Google disagrees | The Verge
Oracle's case against Google has evolved primarily into a copyright infringement suit over the past several months, and with the full trial scheduled to begin this coming Monday, the court is making an effort to get down to the nuts and bolts of copyright law. The judge issued an order last week requiring that both Google and Oracle provide their respective positions on a fundamental issue in the case:
"Each side shall take a firm yes or no position on whether computer programming languages are copyrightable."tags: technology
Why won't vimeo embeds play? - vimeo embeddedvideo embed | Ask MetaFilter
A solution for Chrome/WinXP:
Right click on the flashblock image, and select Allow flash (temporary). Then, click on the forward play icon, and things should proceed normally.
Good ruck.
posted by pjmoy at 12:31 AM on April 14 [+] [!]tags: technology
Chris Granger - Light Table - a new IDE concept
tags: programming
CISPA supporters list: 800+ companies that could help Uncle Sam snag your data
As the campaign against the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) heats up, it's important for the opposition movement to understand just how many companies directly or indirectly support the legislation (i.e. through a trade group). Here, the complete list of CISPA supporters.
tags: technology
Saturday, April 14, 2012
load01 04/14/2012
An ugly foreclosure story, starring Bank of America - latimes.com
Dirma Rodriguez wonders how a house she'd been paying on for years, and which is specially modified for her severely disabled daughter, could be taken from her.
tags: news
Historic images from the Titanic sinking | SFGate Blog | an SFGate.com blog
tags: culture
Printable version: JPMorgan Said to Shift Treasury to Prop Trading Under Macris
(Updates with comments from Dimon and Braunstein starting in the seventh paragraph.)
April 13 (Bloomberg) -- JPMorgan Chase & Co. Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimon has transformed the bank's chief investment office in the past five years, increasing the size and risk of its speculative bets, according to five former executives with direct knowledge of the changes.tags: news
Friday, April 13, 2012
load01 04/13/2012
Who needs feminism? | The Chronicle
Identify yourself as a feminist today and many people will immediately assume you are a man-hating, bra-burning, whiny liberal. Perhaps a certain charming radio talk show host will label you as a “Feminazi” or “slut.” Even among more moderate crowds, feminism is still seen as too radical, too uncomfortable or simply unnecessary. Feminism is both misunderstood and denigrated regularly right here on Duke’s campus.
tags: news
'Fox Mole' ousted: Whistle-blowing hero or disloyal self-promoter? - CSMonitor.com
The Fox Mole, an insider who wrote horrible things about Fox News, has been identified and fired in a fresh parable about how new media tools are creating new workplace issues.
tags: news
Tribes Ascend, A Free to Play Sci-Fi FPS Launches Today. Here's What You Need to Know About It.
tags: games
/server irc.freenode.net
tags: technology
China cuts off internet access in bid to exert control - Telegraph
As the Chinese government continues to tighten its control over the internet, the country became an island for roughly an hour on Thursday, with all access to websites beyond its borders cut off.
tags: news
Thursday, April 12, 2012
load01 04/12/2012
yo burbalino!: Take Back the Strand
The workers at Manhattan's famous Strand Bookstore are currently in conflict with management over a severe new contract that radically reduces benefits. Bookstore employee and cartoonist Greg Farrell has decided to explain the conflicts and background of the problem via comic book.
posted by The Whelk at 9:23 AM - 53 comments (53 new) +tags: culture
A deep look at the fringe movement that just lost its only shred of scientific support.
tags: news
This Internet provider pledges to put your privacy first. Always. | Privacy Inc. - CNET News
Step aside, AT&T and Verizon. A new privacy-protecting Internet service and telephone provider still in the planning stages could become the ACLU's dream and the FBI's worst nightmare.
tags: news
Meteor - realtime JavaScript framework : programming
tags: programming
Meteor is a set of new technologies for building top-quality webapps in a fraction of the time, whether you're an expert developer or just getting started.
tags: programming
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
load01 04/11/2012
Announcing Our Newest Hire: A Current Fox News Channel Employee
What follows is the inaugural column of a person we are calling The Fox Mole—a long-standing, current employee of Fox News Channel who will be providing Gawker with regular dispatches from inside the organization.
tags: news
C Finally Gets A New Standard | Dr Dobb's
Tom Plum explores the new additions to C in a series of articles, starting with language-level atomic operations and thread primitives.
tags: programming
Remote terminal application that allows roaming, supports intermittent connectivity, and provides intelligent local echo and line editing of user keystrokes.
Mosh is a replacement for SSH. It's more robust and responsive, especially over Wi-Fi, cellular, and long-distance links.
Mosh is free software, available for GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, and Mac OS X.tags: programming
HP's OpenStack bet to deliver what Amazon Web Services won't | Cloud Computing - InfoWorld
An enterprise-out strategy is HP's only real cloud option, but it needs more than the beta Converged Cloud offering to succeed
tags: technology
Another African-American man was gunned down by police, and no one was charged. This time the whole event was recorded
Share 3608 reddit this
Comments (201)
Amy Goodman
guardian.co.uk, Thursday 5 April 2012 17.15 EDT
Article history
"My name is Kenneth Chamberlain. This is my sworn testimony. White Plains police are going to come in here and kill me." And that's just what they did.tags: news
The Titanic Guide To New York City, From Scouting NY – Part 1 « Scouting NY
A few months ago, my girlfriend and I sat down to watch the best movie ever made about the Titanic – and no, I’m not referring to the one rereleased this past weekend in 3D…
tags: culture
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
load01 04/10/2012
Great Quote on Gaming from Penn Jillette (i.imgur.com)
submitted 6 hours ago by ianmilham to gaming
1144 commentssharesavehidereporttags: culture
An Essay on the New Aesthetic | Beyond The Beyond | Wired.com
An Essay on the New Aesthetic
Bruce Sterling
I witnessed the New Aesthetic panel at South by Southwest 2012. It was a significant event and a good thing to see.
If you know nothing of the “New Aesthetic,” or if you have no idea what “SXSW” is, you should repair your ignorance right away. Go peruse this:tags: technology
At SXSW this year, I asked four people to comment on the New Aesthetic, which if you don’t know is an investigation / project / tumblr looking at technologically-enabled novelty in the world.
tags: technology
Monday, April 9, 2012
load01 04/09/2012
Skyrim and Historical Revisionism | Overthinking It
My introduction to the Elder Scrolls series came with Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. Set in the Imperial backwater of Vvardenfell, it sets you loose in the internecine squabbles of an island divided between noble Houses and rural tribes. The three god-kings of Vivec, Almalexia and Sotha Sil rule over the island continent, cloistered away in exotic fortresses. You can either explore the island to your heart’s content, gaining treasure and rising in stature among the various factions, or you can pursue the main quest and prevent the return of the imprisoned god Dagoth Ur. In the course of hours of play, you might do all of the above.
tags: games
How to Ask a Question - Innovations - The Chronicle of Higher Education
Last Wednesday I attended a debate at St. Francis College in Brooklyn, at which three men engaged in a lively, literate, and deeply-informed exchange. After they finished and the moderator opened the floor for questions, the usual thing happened. The questioners by and large had no questions. Instead they offered up prolix piles of words that led nowhere in particular. Some sought to show off what they mistook as their own superior knowledge. Others scolded. A few got lost in their own labyrinths. The closest we came to a question was the j’accuse rhetorical jab more or less in the form, “Don’t you agree that you are an ignorant buffoon?”
tags: culture
Blow your mind with Haskell
tags: programming
About those vector icons · Pushing Pixels
tags: technology
Sunday, April 8, 2012
load01 04/08/2012
Hunting the Craigslist Killer - News Features
tags: news
When the cops subpoena your Facebook information, here's what Facebook sends the cops - Phlog
This week's Boston Phoenix cover story -- Hunting the Craigslist Killer: An Untold Detective Story from the Digital Frontier -- would not have been possible without access to a huge trove of case files released by the Boston Police Department. Many of those documents have never been made public -- until now. As a kind of online appendix to the article, we're publishing over a dozen documents from the file, ranging from transcripts of interviews to the subpoenas that investigators obtained from the tech companies that helped them track the killer's digital fingerprints. We've also published the crime scene photos and uploaded recordings made by investigators as they interviewed the killer, Philip Markoff, and others involved in the case.
tags: news
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Friday, April 6, 2012
load01 04/06/2012
Courtyard Marriott in Times Square is spying on and manipulating your Internet | MetaFilter
Web developer Justin Watt was staying at the Courtyard Marriott in Times Square, New York and using the hotel wifi to access the Internet. He noticed some strangeness on his website... and on every other website he visited (not to mention YouTube was broken.)
In short, Marriott is injecting JavaScript into the HTML of every webpage its hotel customers view for the purpose of injecting ads (and in the meantime, breaking YouTube). Marriott’s wireless internet service provider is a third-party company called Hotel Internet Services, so it is possible, though unlikely, that Marriott doesn’t know what’s going on. But it’s crazy to me that I’m paying $368 a night for a hotel room, and this is how I get treated.tags: technology
At Clearspring we like to count things. Counting the number of distinct elements (the cardinality) of a set is challenge when the cardinality of the set is large.
tags: programming
tags: games
Thursday, April 5, 2012
load01 04/05/2012
A Teen's Brave Response to "I'm Christian, Unless You're Gay"
I received the following email today in response to my post I’m Christian, Unless You’re Gay. I had decided a couple months ago that it was time to let the whole thing rest, but this response was so powerful, I couldn’t not share it with you all. It was from a woman who simply called herself, “One proud mom.”
tags: culture
How Not To Sort By Average Rating
PROBLEM: You are a web programmer. You have users. Your users rate stuff on your site. You want to put the highest-rated stuff at the top and lowest-rated at the bottom. You need some sort of "score" to sort by.
WRONG SOLUTION #1: Score = (Positive ratings) - (Negative ratings)
Why it is wrong: Suppose one item has 600 positive ratings and 400 negative ratings: 60% positive. Suppose item two has 5,500 positive ratings and 4,500 negative ratings: 55% positive. This algorithm puts item two (score = 1000, but only 55% positive) above item one (score = 200, and 60% positive). WRONG.
Sites that make this mistake: Urban Dictionarytags: programming
Free WMA to MP3 Converter - Freeware convert WMA to MP3.
tags: misc
command center: The byte order fallacy
Whenever I see code that asks what the native byte order is, the odds are about a hundred to one the code is either wrong or misguided. And if the native byte order really does matter to the execution of the program, the odds are about a hundred to one it's dealing with some external software that is either wrong or misguided. If your code contains #ifdef BIG_ENDIAN or the equivalent, you need to unlearn about byte order.
tags: programming
Light Blue Touchpaper » Blog Archive » A one-line software patent – and a fix
I have been waiting for this day for 17 years! Today, United States Patent 5,404,140 titled “Coding system” owned by Mitsubishi expires, 22 years after it was filed in Japan.
tags: technology
10. Lucille Ball (the black-and-white one I saw in the afternoons on the days I stayed home from school sick) and my grandmother were the same person, just at different ages.
tags: humor
How To Write The Great American Novel | The Awl
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the Great American Novel if your name is George R. R. Martin or Suzanne Collins. You guys are doing great; somebody give them genius grants. I had never before read a 1,000-page book, and now I’ve read like 5 of them. If Westeros had subways things would move along much faster, George. Think about it. (Unless it was a weekend! Then they’d have shuttle buses between King’s Landing and Riverrun like only once every few hours. Ugh!) And obviously Katniss Everdeen should have dated both those dudes in the book rather than suffer the guilt and sorrow of having to choose just one. Let’s stop living in the 20th Century, with all its bullshit morality and monogamy. Hot people can do whatever the hell they want. Those two whatstheirnames would be like, “Aw, Katniss, but I love you so much.” And she’d be like, “If you truly loved me you’d make out with each other.” And then they would and then everything would be awesome. But overall, Martin and Collins get a billion gold stars. The rest of you novelists, who knows what you’re thinking.
tags: culture
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
load01 04/04/2012
As a nation, we face a distinct choice. We can perpetuate too big to fail, with its inequities and dangers, or we
can end it. Eliminating TBTF won’t be easy, but the vitality
of our capitalist system and the long-term prosperity it
produces hang in the balance.tags: news
U.S. Should Quit $100 Bill to Stop N. Korea Counterfeiting | Business | TIME.com
U.S. negotiators are heading into a second day of what have been dubbed “serious and substantial” talks with North Korean officials. Yet amid all the discussion of how the U.S. will attempt to work with Kim Jong Un, there has been little (open) speculation as to whether Dear Leader Junior might crank up production of $100 and $50 bills. No, not North Korean 100- or 50-won banknotes, worth about as much as old tissues. I’m talking about fake greenbacks — or as the U.S. Secret Service has dubbed them, “superdollars.”
tags: news
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
load01 04/03/2012
Paperfold technique, completely in CSS : programming
tags: programming
#AltDevBlogADay » Extravagant Cheating via Direct X
Online PC gaming is known for being full of dirty cheaters. Cheats can be implemented through many methods from simple to impressively complex. Macros, hex editing, memory inspection, memory modification, DLL injection, network manipulation, packet modification, and lord knows how many more. These various methods are then used to implement cheats such as rapid fire, no clip, aimbots, wallhacks, etc.
tags: programming
Monday, April 2, 2012
load01 04/02/2012
"The one institution that can never say no to anybody is jail." | MetaFilter
"If you think health care in America is bad, you should look at mental health care," says Steve Leifman, who works as a special advisor on criminal justice and mental health for the Florida Supreme Co " Fifty years ago, the U.S. had nearly 600,000 state hospital beds for people suffering from mental illness. Today, because of federal and state funding cuts, that number has dwindled to 40,000. When the government began closing state-run hospitals in the 1980s, people suffering from mental illness had nowhere to go. Without proper treatment and care, many ended up in the last place anyone wants to be." Of course, it's not just a problem confined to the US.
tags: culture
Print - The War Against Youth - Esquire
The recession didn't gut the prospects of American young people. The Baby Boomers took care of that.
tags: economics
Boo to Woo | through the looking glass
I really, really, dislike the word “woo”.
I don’t mean it as in “to woo a fair maiden”, though that’s a bit weird too. No, I mean the term used by some communities of sceptics (the science-y ones) to refer to ideas which seem to be based on very flimsy evidence or are rooted in a belief in supernatural forces of some sort. It is short for “woo-woo”, as in the noise you might make when jokingly referring to ghosts.tags: news
Sunday, April 1, 2012
load01 04/01/2012
Creating Victims And Then Blaming Them | TechCrunch
Girls Around Me is a perfect storm of everything too many people find creepy about the new mobile age. Download an app to your iPhone, link up your Facebook account and Girls Around Me will find girls around you who’ve recently checked into Foursquare near your location and return their Facebook profiles. Before Foursquare shut off access to their API and they were pulled from the App Store, Girls Around Me met your 21st century stalking needs, complete with in-app purchases.
tags: technology
tags: humor
With Advance Warning, Bracing for Attack on Internet by Anonymous - NYTimes.com
SAN FRANCISCO — On a quiet Sunday in mid-February, something curious attracted the attention of the behind-the-scenes engineers who scour the Internet for signs of trouble. There, among the ubiquitous boasts posted by the hacking collective Anonymous, was a call to attack some of the network’s most crucial parts.
tags: news
"Massive" Credit Card Breach of Estimated 10 Million Accounts: Where Are Those Smart Cards? - Forbes
Brian Krebs reported yesterday in his Krebs on Security blog that there has been a security breach at Global Payments that “may involve more than 10 million compromised card numbers.” In terms of allaying consumer concerns about mobile and internet commerce, this is not the kind of headline the industry needs.
tags: news