Treat the Patient, Not the CT Scan - NYTimes.com
An answer that might have been posed on “Jeopardy!” is, “An emergency treatment that is administered by ear.” I wonder if Watson would have known the question (though he will now, cybertroller that he is), which is, “What are words of comfort?”
Monday, February 28, 2011
load01 02/28/2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
load01 02/27/2011
Libya's revolution headquarters - Africa - Al Jazeera English
tags: culture
How We Know by Freeman Dyson | The New York Review of Books
How We Know. An essay about information theory in the New York Review of Books by Freeman Dyson, building off a review of James Gleick's The Information. [more inside]posted by The Michael The at 11:22 AM - 31 comments
tags: technology
Ezra Klein - Andy Stern: 'It may not end beautifully in Wisconsin.'
tags: culture
Absorbing the Pain - NYTimes.com
tags: economics
The War on Women - NYTimes.com
tags: culture
Saturday, February 26, 2011
load01 02/26/2011
Madoff Investigation Is Not Following the Script for Frauds - NYTimes.com
tags: economics
"But fasten your seat belts. This is not going to be a joy ride because the lid is being blown off an entire region with frail institutions, scant civil society and virtually no democratic traditions or culture of innovation. The United Nations’ Arab Human Development Report 2002 warned us about all of this, but the Arab League made sure that that report was ignored in the Arab world and the West turned a blind eye. But that report — compiled by a group of Arab intellectuals led by Nader Fergany, an Egyptian statistician — was prophetic. It merits re-reading today to appreciate just how hard this democratic transition will be."tags: culture
Friday, February 25, 2011
load01 02/25/2011
Right brain Left brain. (i.imgur.com)submitted 1 day ago by logomachy922 commentssharesavehidereport
tags: technology
Thursday, February 24, 2011
load01 02/24/2011
In New York’s Little Italy, Fewer and Fewer Italians - NYTimes.com
tags: Linda
Wisconsin Power Play - Readers' Comments - NYTimes.com
Is it statistically related?:
28.HIGHLIGHT (what's this?)
February 21st, 2011
9:18 am
Only 5 states do not have collective bargaining for educators and have deemed it illegal. Their ranking on ACT/SAT scores:
South Carolina - 50th
North Carolina - 49th
Georgia - 48th
Texas - 47th
Virginia - 44th
Wisconsin is currently ranked 2nd. Welcome to the race to the bottom.tags: misc
- 28.HIGHLIGHT (what's this?)RDVPennsylvaniaFebruary 21st, 20119:18 am
Koch Brothers’ Money Fuels Wisconsin Fight - NYTimes.com
tags: worse than failure
Findings — The Threatening Scent of Fertile Women - NYTimes.com
tags: culture
Fighting Nears Tripoli, Where Qaddafi Keeps Grip on Power - NYTimes.com
tags: culture
- “The taste of freedom is very delicious,” he said.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
load01 02/23/2011
Iceland let their banks fail; economy set to grow 3% // Current
Iceland let their banks fail; economy set to grow 3% (current.com)submitted 15 hours ago by maasanova22 commentssharesavehidereport
tags: economics
touche bible, touche ( 22 hours ago by ewokonfire786 commentssharesavehidereport
tags: humor
TSA Bars AK State Rep. Sharon Cissna from flying | Alaska TravelGram
TSA Needs to go away (alaskatravelgram.com)submitted 12 hours ago by dwinstone135 commentssharesavehidereport
tags: culture
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
load01 02/22/2011
GeoHot asks for donations to fight Sony’s PS3 hacking lawsuit - TechSpot
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| GeoHot Asks For Donations To Fight Sony| from the fight-the-power dept.| posted by samzenpus on Sunday February 20, @17:00 (PlayStation (Games))| https://games.slashdot.org/story/11/02/20/1952250/GeoHot-Asks-For-Donations-To-Fight-Sony?from=newsletter+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
mede writes "In an interesting turn of events, Sony might have stumbledinto a tough nut to crack. George Hotz (aka GeoHot) famous for his iPhonehacking achievements, [0]is planning on fighting the big corporation onremoving his free speech rights at utilizing his fully paid for hardware.Hotz has always claimed being anti-piracy (since iPhone activities) andexpresses has never pirated any game or even signed to PSN agreements.He's asking for donations to fight Sony back and try to achieve somethingsimilar to what was[1] previously accomplished by the EFF in regard tocellphones. I've already donated."
Discuss this story at: https://games.slashdot.org/story/11/02/20/1952250/GeoHot-Asks-For-Donations-To-Fight-Sony?from=newsletter#commentlisting
Links: 0. http://www.techspot.com/news/42495-geohot-asks-for-donations-to-fight-sonys-ps3-hacking-lawsuit.html 1. http://www.copyright.gov/1201/tags: technology
tags: technology
Monday, February 21, 2011
load01 02/21/2011
Where Have the Good Men Gone? - WSJ.com
tags: culture
The Hero of Bahrain (i.imgur.com)submitted 11 hours ago by iAmNotFunny1147 commentssharesavehidereport
tags: culture
Sunday, February 20, 2011
load01 02/20/2011
Egypt Cuts Off Most Internet and Cellphone Service - NYTimes.com
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Egyptian 'Net Killed By Intimidation, Not a Switch| from the break-that-router-or-i'll-break-you dept.| posted by Soulskill on Friday February 18, @09:28 (Censorship)| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/02/18/140247/Egyptian-Net-Killed-By-Intimidation-Not-a-Switch?from=newsletter+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[0]jfruhlinger writes "In the wake of the Egyptian revolution of the pastweeks, much tech buzz has focused on the 'kill switch' that Mubarak'sgovernment used to try to stop Internet-based networking. The New YorkTimes [1]gives the details. As blogger Kevin Fogarty points out, theprocess involved less high-tech derring do and more [2]intimidation oftech workers by regime thugs."
Discuss this story at: https://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/02/18/140247/Egyptian-Net-Killed-By-Intimidation-Not-a-Switch?from=newsletter#commentlisting
Links: 0. http://joshreads.com/ 1. http://www.nytimes.com/glogin?URI=http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/29/technology/internet/29cutoff.html&OQ=_rQ3D4&OP=5b2f8a18Q2Fm_2Q7DmQ5BPQ5CQ7BEPP(XmXHQ27Q27mHQ27mXQ2Fm(2Q5CTQ24P!PdkmxQ24(2EQ242(mXQ2FQ5CA(P88eT(u! 2. http://www.itworld.com/node/137339tags: technology
Saturday, February 19, 2011
load01 02/19/2011
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 80% of Browsers Found To Be At Risk of Attack| from the zomg-we're-all-gonna-die dept.| posted by CmdrTaco on Thursday February 17, @13:00 (Security)| https://it.slashdot.org/story/11/02/17/1740227/80-of-Browsers-Found-To-Be-At-Risk-of-Attack?from=newsletter+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CWmike writes "About [0]eight out of every 10 Web browsers run byconsumers are vulnerable to attack by exploits of already-patched bugs, asecurity expert said Thursday. The poor state of browser patching stunnedWolfgang Kandek, CTO of Qualys, which presented data from the company'sfree BrowserCheck service Wednesday at RSA. 'I really thought it would belower,' Kandek said. [1]BrowserCheck scans Windows, Mac and Linuxmachines for vulnerable browsers, as well as up to 18 browser plug-ins,from Adobe's Flash to Windows Media Player. When browsers and plug-insare tabulated together, between 90% and 65% of all consumer systemsscanned with BrowserCheck since June 2010 reported at least oneout-of-date component. In January 2011, about 80% of the machines werevulnerable. The most likely plug-in to require a patch: [2]same as lastyear, Oracle's Java."
Discuss this story at: https://it.slashdot.org/story/11/02/17/1740227/80-of-Browsers-Found-To-Be-At-Risk-of-Attack?from=newsletter#commentlisting
Links: 0. http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9209958/Bulk_of_browsers_found_to_be_at_risk_of_attack 1. https://browsercheck.qualys.com/ 2. http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9192098/Users_neglect_Java_patches_leave_attack_door_wide_opentags: technology
The Master of Online Mayhem - Forbes.com
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Valve Beats Google, Apple For Profits Per Employee| from the are-we-supposed-to-call-them-an-evil-empire-yet dept.| posted by Soulskill on Thursday February 17, @03:21 (Businesses)| https://games.slashdot.org/story/11/02/17/0526200/Valve-Beats-Google-Apple-For-Profits-Per-Employee?from=newsletter+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AndrewGOO9 writes "It should come with little surprise that Gabe Newellis well on his way to being one of the wealthiest men in gaming. In anage when console gamers would have many believe that the PC was on itsway out the door, Newell and Valve's Steam stand as sentinels of theplatform, offering a ridiculous amount of content to the 30 millionusers. With the lion's share of the downloadable market on the PC, it'sno wonder that [0]Steam has become the go-to for many and an incrediblefinancial opportunity for Newell and Valve. According to Forbes, 'Newellsays that, [1]per employee, Valve is more profitable than Google andApple. A potential buyer was rumored to have made an acquisition offer afew years back for the Steam piece only, but Newell supposedly refused tosplit the online storefront from Valve's game-publishing arm.'"
Discuss this story at: https://games.slashdot.org/story/11/02/17/0526200/Valve-Beats-Google-Apple-For-Profits-Per-Employee?from=newsletter#commentlisting
Links: 0. http://www.examiner.com/video-game-industry-in-national/valve-beats-out-apple-google-for-profitability-per-employee 1. http://www.forbes.com/forbes/2011/0228/technology-gabe-newell-videogames-valve-online-mayhem.htmltags: technology
New Hacking Tools Pose Bigger Threats to Wi-Fi Users - NYTimes.com
tags: technology
Ecuadorean Villagers May Hold Secret to Longevity - NYTimes.com
tags: wellness
Friday, February 18, 2011
load01 02/18/2011
Adventure International Tribute Site
Before the Infocom text parser allowed computer games to understand complex sentences, and long before Watson was coded to parse and comprehend natural language, adventure gamers had to solve every problem presented to them with just two words: a verb followed by a noun. The father of the text adventure game was Scott Adams (no, not that one), and his games, which were published by his company Adventure International, are freely playable on a number of different sites and devices - and many of them are fiendishly challenging to this day. posted by jbickers at 12:21 PM - 30 comments
tags: games
Why I stopped travelling to the US and I largely stopped doing business in the US. : reddit.com
tags: culture
Daily Kos: UPDATED: The HB Gary Email That Should Concern Us All
tags: technology
Thursday, February 17, 2011
load01 02/17/2011
Anonymous speaks: the inside story of the HBGary hack
tags: programming
Egypt’s Autocrats Exploited Internet’s Weaknesses - NYTimes.com
Then, gingerly, he reached out to his international customers, his profuse apologies already framed in his mind.
The response that poured in astonished Mr. ElShabrawy, who is nothing if not a conscientious businessman, even in turbulent times. “People said: ‘Don’t worry about that. We are fine and we need to know that you are fine. We are all supporting you.’ ”tags: technology
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
load01 02/15/2011
State Machines – Basics of Computer Science
tags: programming
s California goes, so goes the country, they used to say. Well, yikes. Golden State, an n+1 piece by Nikil Saval, presents a bleak picture of paralysis and conflicted interests that has rendered "The Bellwether State" all but inoperable. (via Arts & Letters Daily)
tags: economics
FBI really do NOT like this video ( 3rd time uploaded due to 2nd privacy complaint) // Current
FBI comes knocking at protester mom's door for no apparent reason, FBI complains about the video she took of them at her house. (current.com)submitted 13 hours ago by Miss_Fitz94 commentssharesavehidereport
(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkZusZYywNg)tags: culture
Monday, February 14, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Friday, February 11, 2011
load01 02/11/2011
A year later: Has Oracle ruined or saved Sun?
tags: technology
Vatican Bans IOS Confession App - Slashdot
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Vatican Bans IOS Confession App| from the get-your-iabsolution-somewhere-else dept.| posted by samzenpus on Thursday February 10, @10:28 (IOS)| https://apple.slashdot.org/story/11/02/10/1448256/Vatican-Bans-IOS-Confession-App?from=newsletter+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
An anonymous reader writes "Despite all the hype that [0]a lowly priesthad approved the new confessional app hitting the app store, the truthhas now revealed itself. According to today's Daily Mail, a spokesman forthe Vatican, Federico Lombardi said: 'It is essential to understand thatthe rites of penance require a personal dialogue between penitents andtheir confessor. It cannot be replaced by a computer application. I muststress to avoid all ambiguity, [1]under no circumstance is it possible toconfess by iPhone."
Discuss this story at: https://apple.slashdot.org/story/11/02/10/1448256/Vatican-Bans-IOS-Confession-App?from=newsletter#commentlisting
Links: 0. http://apple.slashdot.org/story/11/02/08/2258234/Confession-Theres-an-iPhone-App-For-That 1. http://theappwhisperer.com/2011/02/10/vacitan-bans-ios-confessional-app/
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------tags: technology
Secret plan to kill Wikileaks with FUD leaked > Cybercrime > Legal > News > SC Magazine Australia/NZ
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Secret Plan To Kill Wikileaks With FUD Leaked| from the cyber-plumbers dept.| posted by samzenpus on Thursday February 10, @08:48 (Businesses)| https://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/02/10/1243211/Secret-Plan-To-Kill-Wikileaks-With-FUD-Leaked?from=newsletter+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
An anonymous reader writes "Three information security consultancies withlinks to US spy agencies [0]cooked up a dirty tricks campaign late lastyear to destroy Wikileaks by exploiting its perceived weaknesses, reads a[1]presentation released by the whistleblowers' (pdf) organization thatit claimed to be from the conspirators. Consultants at US defensecontractors Palantir Technologies, Berico Technologies and HBGaryproposed to lawyers for a desperate Bank of America an alliance thatwould work to discredit the whistleblowers' website using a divide andconquer approach. Since the plan was hatched, disgruntled volunteersmentioned in the PDF broke away from Wikileaks, financial institutionswithdrew services, [Jacob ] Appelbaum was harassed by the US government,and Amazon denied service to Wikileaks' website."
Discuss this story at: https://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/02/10/1243211/Secret-Plan-To-Kill-Wikileaks-With-FUD-Leaked?from=newsletter#commentlisting
Links: 0. http://www.securecomputing.net.au/News/247706,secret-plan-to-kill-wikileaks-with-fud-leaked.aspx 1. http://wikileaks.ch/IMG/pdf/WikiLeaks_Response_v6.pdftags: technology
M/C Reviews - Memoir: My Story: The Tale of a Terrorist Who Wasn't
tags: worse than failure
Suleiman: The CIA's man in Cairo - Opinion - Al Jazeera English
tags: culture
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Saturday, February 5, 2011
load01 02/05/2011
What I Learned on YOMYOMF This Week – January 16 – 22, 2011 | You Offend Me You Offend My Family
“3. Mealy Fruit Texture: It’s that texture that makes you stop in your tracks when taking that first bite of any fruit with seeds or stones. Every ad you’ve seen and sense memory you’ve had of a crunchy apple, juicy watermelon, or syrupy pear is crushed when you realize you are biting into nothing but the mashed potato equivalent of fruit. You stop and much like what happens when you have zero chemistry with that guy/girl you were checking out, you realize that looks deceive and quickly move on to fresher fruit.”
Maybe I’m crazy but I love it when pears are all mushy instead of firm. I think that’s when they’re… overripe? But then again, I’m usually the person who keeps pursuing someone in spite of knowing I have zero chemistry with them – what’s wrong with me?
Merkel Turns Crisis into Opportunity to Reshape Euro Zone - Bloomberg
interesting take on euro
tags: economics
Friday, February 4, 2011
load01 02/04/2011
Verizon’s iPhone Doesn’t Drop Calls - NYTimes.com
- Even if Verizon’s network is the best in America, its policies and prices are still among the worst. This is the company, after all, that admitted to billing $2 every time you accidentally hit the up-arrow button. (Verizon refunded $52 million and paid the Federal Communications Commission a record $25 million fine.) This is the company that just eliminated its “new phone every two years” discount policy, that just cut its new-phone return policy to 14 days from 30, that doubled its early-termination fee (to $350 if you cancel your two-year contract before it’s up).
Non-Myths About Programming (pdf) (stwww.weizmann.ac.il)submitted 7 hours ago by marc-kd193 commentssharesavehidereport
tags: programming
South Carolina - 50th
North Carolina - 49th
Georgia - 48th
Texas - 47th
Virginia - 44th
Wisconsin is currently ranked 2nd. Welcome to the race to the bottom.